SOLAR Resource Hub
Separating Fact From Fiction
At Orizon Energy, we are driven by a commitment to transparency and customer education. Our mission goes beyond simply providing solar solutions; we aim to empower you with knowledge, dispel solar myths and offer insights that illuminate the true potential of solar energy.
Myth #1: Solar is too expensive
Fact: The cost of solar has dropped dramatically over the last two decades making solar more affordable than ever. Electric rates are increasing, so lower solar costs and higher utility rates have improved the return on investment and payback.
Myth #2: Solar panels cause roof damage
Fact: Well-installed solar panels should never cause a roof leak. Engineers consider structural soundness and roof integrity when proposing, designing, and installing an array. Panels are typically mounted on removable skids with weighted ballasts that allow easy removal.
Myth #3: Solar won’t work on cloudy days
Fact: Solar panels do work on cloudy days—but not as effective as they would on a sunny day. Expect them to produce 10-25% of their normal power output, depending on the thickness of cloud cover.
Myth #4: Placing solar on land makes it unusable for any other purpose
Fact: Solar panels require space, just as other school infrastructure. Pollinator fields or other agricultural crops can be placed to reclaim the land, including pasture used for grazing sheep.
Myth #5: Solar panels are ugly and bulky
Fact: Solar panels can often be positioned to minimize visual impact. Fence screening can be used on ground mounts, and a rooftop array may be hard to see from the ground.
Myth #6: Solar panels use more energy than they produce over a lifetime
Fact: A National Renewable Energy Laboratory study found that the manufacturing energy cost versus the energy production payback for solar modules is generally less than four years.
Myth #7: Solar requires a lot of maintenance
Fact: Solar panels have very few moving parts and generally do not require a great deal of maintenance to function reliably. Solar panels do require periodic inspection.
Myth #8: Solar panels are bad for the environment
Fact: Monocrystalline panels do not contain hazardous materials. Panels are made of materials that are recyclable.
Myth #9: Solar power can cause issues with sensitive electronics
Fact: Solar inverters are designed to monitor, synchronize, and seamlessly switch with utility-provided power eliminating any potential issues.
Myth #10: Solar panels are made out of toxic materials
Fact: Crystalline solar panels are made of sand, silver, and aluminum. EPA allows for crystalline solar panels to be disposed of in landfills, although recycling centers will be able to reuse solar panel materials in the near future.
If you’re ready to start your solar journey with Orizon Energy, get started here. Follow us on social media for more helpful insights.
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Solar Glossary
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Solar Savings… The Smart Way
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